Rilegato 240 pagine
Lingua Tedesca
Edizione "Il Vespro"
ISBN / Barcode: 9783517000008
Originale libro di antiche ricette rilegato in cartone grezzo e stampato in carta simile a quella usata dai salumieri, le ricette sono divise per area di interesse: Milano, Venezia, Roma, Romagna, Napoli, Sicilia, Liguria, Toscana, Puglia.
Opening with an introduction to each of the cuisines, Valentina Harris describes how centuries of trade and innovation have influenced the regions' ingredients and cooking methods. There then follows a directoryof ingredients. Step-by-step recipes for everyday foods like bread, tomato sauce and...
This book opens with an evocative introduction to the history, geography and traditions that have shaped the culinary culture of these regions, as well as an intriguing commentary on the local festivals and their accompanying foods. This is followed by an essential guide to the classic ingredients....
This beautiful new book opens with an introduction to the landscape, climate, history and cuisine of each region, as well as the wonderful festivals that take place, and the foods that accompany them. This is followed by a guide to classic ingredients of these regions, including raddicchio...
The food of the Venetian Republic is diverse: Prosecco and snapper risotto, Croatian roast lamb shoulder with olive oil potatoes, the sweet and sour red mullet of Crete, zabaglione from Corfu, or Dubrovnik's ricotta and rose liqueur crepes. These are recipes steeped in history; dishes from the days...
360 pasta meals to fit the time you have available. Cook the 10-, 20- or 30- minute version and you'll have delicious results every time - whichever recipe version you use.
This versatile collection of 360 recipes is perfect for the busy cook. In this innovative book, you can dial the basic...
Fresh, colourful and incredibly delicious, Italian food is arguably one of the most popular cuisines around the globe: who can resist a mouth-watering bowl of simple spaghetti, or an oozing, stone-baked pizza fresh from an authentic pizzeria?
Join Christine Smallwood as she explores the...
The food of Italy remains one of the most popular cuisines in the world, providing fresh flavours and ingredients in delicious combinations. Now Quickcook: Italian shows you how to make 360 wonderfully authentic and regional dishes in as little as 30, 20 or 10 minutes. The collection includes...
Brossura 380 pagine
Lingua Tedesca
Prezzo Originale 21.69
ISBN / Barcode: 9788845125997
La cucina italiana è apprezzata in tutto il mondo per la sua varietà: dalle ricette corpose del Nord ai piatti di pesce, verdure, cereali e olio d'oliva tipici dell'area mediterranea. Questo volume presenta una gamma di preparazioni in grado di accontentare tutti. Testo in lingua...
L'Emilia Romagna e' regione variegata, si dispiega fra montagne, colline, pianure, litorali sabbiosi, lagune e mare. A questa molteplicita' geografica corrisponde una quasi infinita varieta' di prodotti dai sapori molto diversi. Terra, dunque multiforme, tra le piu ricche regioni d'Italia di...